indigestion and reflux

Acid reflux is a sensation or pain in the upper abdomen, chest, or throat, which is often burning in nature. It is often caused by acid secretions from the stomach coming back up into the oesophagus (gullet) and throat. It can cause other issues, like sore throat, cough, difficulty swallowing, or food getting stuck.

While in most cases the condition is bothersome but not dangerous, worsening symptoms can indicate more concerning conditions, including significant inflammation (oesophagi’s), narrowings called strictures, Barrett’s oesophagus, or cancer. If standard medications are not working, a camera test (gastroscopy) is performed to inspect the lining of the oesophagus and stomach to diagnose the problem. This can guide further medical or surgical treatment, and the need for further surveillance endoscopy to monitor any progression of problems.

To see Michael FitzPatrick about the diagnosis or management of reflux, heartburn, or indigestion, click the button below to arrange a consultation today.