Coeliac disease

Coeliac disease is a condition caused by the immune system responding abnormally to the gluten proteins in wheat, barley and rye. It is common, affecting around 1% of the UK population, but is frequently missed, with many patients undiagnosed.

Coeliac disease can present in many ways, which can make it hard to recognise and diagnose. Typically, it can cause problems with diarrhoea, abdominal bloating, and problems with absorption. However many patients have less specific symptoms, including irritable bowel symptoms, fatigue, brain fog, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, joint pains, headaches, and rashes.

Blood tests, including coeliac serology testing, can raise the possibility of coeliac disease, which should prompt referral to a specialist and consideration of an endoscopy (camera test into the stomach) to confirm the diagnosis. It is hugely important to ensure the diagnosis is accurate, as the treatment involves a strict, life-long gluten free diet, a big commitment for most patients.

Patients need considerable support from both a specialist physician and dietitian to manage their coeliac disease and manage their coeliac disease successfully. Good management will improve patients’ symptoms and quality of life, and reduce their risk of long term complications.

Michael FitzPatrick is a national specialist in coeliac disease. He leads regional coeliac disease services in Oxfordshire, runs an academic research group at the University of Oxford into the immunology of coeliac disease, and is a principle investigator in coeliac disease clinical trials. Michael FitzPatrick takes a holistic and patient-centred approach to the diagnosis and management of coeliac disease, and works closely with specialist dietitians to ensure patients living with coeliac disease receive excellent care.

To see Michael FitzPatrick about the diagnosis or management of coeliac disease, or other gluten-related disorders, click the button below to arrange a consultation today.