iron deficiency and anaemia

Anaemia (a low blood count) is a common condition with many potential underlying causes. Anaemia can cause problems with fatigue, lack of energy or concentration, shortness of breath or difficulty with physical exertion, and can greatly affect a person’s quality of life. One common cause of anaemia is iron deficiency, which needs careful assessment and investigation for possible underlying causes. Fortunately, treatment of iron deficiency and anaemia can address the symptoms and improve patients’ quality of life.

One common cause of low iron levels is blood loss from the gut due to underlying medical conditions. These can include serious conditions such as colonic polyps, stomach ulcers, inflammation in the bowel, coeliac disease, and cancers. Therefore iron deficiency anaemia needs careful assessment and prompt investigations to get to the root cause.

The physician will take a careful history and examination, before arranging blood tests, scans, and endoscopic investigations. In most cases, a gastroscopy and colonoscopy are required, which can rule out the most concerning causes, such as cancer. Dr Michael FitzPatrick is a JAG-accredited endoscopist qualified in gastroscopy and colonoscopy.

If concerning causes in the gut have been excluded, factors such as lifestyle and diet need to be carefully evaluated to ensure there is adequate intake of iron and other nutrients. Dr Michael FitzPatrick is a specialist in clinical nutrition and will evaluate dietary factors as part of his assessment. He takes a holistic and patient-centred approach to the diagnosis and management of iron deficiency and anaemia, and works closely with specialist dietitians when required.

To see Michael FitzPatrick about the diagnosis and management of anaemia or iron deficiency, click the button below to arrange a consultation today.